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by digby

So Tweety introduced a new feature today called the “Hardball Hotshots” with Joe Scarborough, Tucker Carlson and Rita Cosby — two wingnuts and a babbling tabloid airhead. They all agreed that bin Laden was parroting Michael Moore, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy in his tape yesterday.

No apologies. In fact, quite the opposite. Chris did say that he’d been misunderstood, but he didn’t elaborate. They all agreed that it was going to help the president.

(Remind me. Whose side is bin Laden supposed to be on again?)

They also agreed that Hillary was incredibly offensive with her plantation statement. Rita was particularly shocked because she’s from the south. No comment yet from anyone in the media about all the prominent Republican references to the “Democratic Plantation.” Perhaps those comments aren’t offensive because it only refers to African Americans who are supposed to be too stupid to know which party better serves their interests. Hillary was beyond the pale. She accused white southern males of running a plantation. In Limbaugh Nation, that’s racist you see.


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