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by digby

I don’t know what class in Wingnut U teaches phony sanctimony, but it’s clearly a requirement for graduation. Even the father of convicted felon Jack Abramoff has the unmitigated gall to pull a “this is not a goood man” on George Clooney:

He said the lobbyist’s daughter, who was watching the show, was in “a fit of tears” after hearing Clooney’s remarks.

“Are you proud of that?” Abramoff wrote. “Shame on you.”

Huckleberry Graham would be proud. The man whose son, the orthodox Jew, just pled guilty to several felonies and is about to implicate his friends and colleagues in any number of crimes says, “shame on you” to someone who derides him publicly. It clearly didn’t even occur to him that he had no legitimate claim to the moral high ground; it didn’t occur to him that he should be hanging his head in shame himself. Indeed, he apparently felt entirely justified in publicly protesting that his son’s immoral and criminal behavior was the subject of public derision.

No matter how nasty, how ruthless, how cruel or how unjust Republicans are (and they are) they never fail to shamelessly turn on the crocodile tears and blubber into their lace hankies like Miss Manners when Democrats say “enough.” They have taken manipulative behavior to its most exalted level. Dems need to jettison the political strategists and start consulting psychologists.


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