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by tristero

Photographer Robert Mapplethorpe used to boast that within one year of his coming out and entering the heavy leather gay scene, he had seen every kind of deviance, fetish, and perversion there was to see. Nothing could shock him.

Then again, Mapplethorpe never lived to see the Bush administration. Read it all. And if you don’t get it, then read it again.

Got it now? That’s right, the Bush administration, in cahoots with the gas and oil industries, has systematically defrauded the US government. To the tune of $700 million for gas royalties alone.

Can’t get your head around the leaders of a US administration conspiring to bilk the US government of more than 2/3 of a billion bucks? Neither can I. But that’s exactly what’s going on.

What Bush’s henchmen are doing makes jamming a finger inside another man’s penis look like a gentle caress.

(Revised shortly after posting to correct a bad typo on the amount defrauded ($700 million not billion), which required editing out some inappropriate examples. An apology: I read the article in the print edition of the Times and misread the amount. An inexcusable error of fact which I will make every effort not to repeat. During my career as a blogger, I haven’t made too many of these careless mistakes -literally around a handful, but if someone has kept track, and I’ve made more, I’ll issue another correction. Nevertheless each one I’ve learned about has been quickly corrected and a straightforward apology has been offered. Thanks much to the readers who found this one.)

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