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It Would Be A Cakewalk. After All, More Soldiers Speak Spanish Than Persian, Right?

by tristero

To hell with Tehran. Real men covet Caracas. Doesn’t it seem like the Bush administration is deliberately being as obnoxious as possible so they can start a war somewhere, anywhere, it doesn’t matter, just as long as there’s some bang bang? Where do you find people like Donald Rumsfeld?

“I mean, we’ve got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money,” Rumsfeld added. “He’s a person who was elected legally _ just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally _ and then consolidated power and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. Morales and others.”

There have been increasing signs of hostility between Washington and Caracas, and on Monday Chavez said Venezuela’s intelligence agencies have “infiltrated” a group of military officials from the U.S. Embassy who were allegedly involved in espionage.

Venezuelan authorities, including the vice president, have accused officials at the U.S. Embassy of involvement in a spying case in which Venezuelan naval officers allegedly passed sensitive information to the Pentagon.

It was not the first such charge by Chavez.

I have a favor to ask. Occasionally, I’ve tried to understand Chavez but can’t. The mainstream press in the US has been worthless (worse than usual and that is not a good sign, frankly). There were a few interesting articles in the New York Review of Books – no fans of the Bush administration – from which I took away the impression that Chavez must have been born in Macondo. It sounded like he was completely nuts but that somehow, through a thicket of immense corruption, life for some poor people in Venezuela were marginally improved under Chavez for the first time.

If anyone has any suggestions about a knowledgeable article or book to read on Chavez, please drop the reference in comments.

In any event, when I start to agree with commentators about how vicious and uncivilized it is to use rhetoric that reminds people that Nazi admirers have no business in the US government and that anything in their past is fair game to humiliate them and get them out of it, i just have to read something like these remarks from a high Bush official to recall precisely the nature of the fight we’re in. Bush’s vicious discourse cannot be ignored, minimized, deflected or muted. It must be met head on. Always.

As Zappa sez, The meek inherit nothing.

(By the way, I’m gonna predict 10 comments or less.)

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