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Stickin’ It To DeLay

by digby

I’m sure all of you already know about the Ciro Rodriguez race down in Texas that the luminaries of the blogosphere are backing. He sounds like a perfect netroots candidate and there could be nothing more thrilling than ousting a preznit Bush kissing Democratic shill.

I think that one of the underdiscussed reasons for supporting this, however, is to stick it to Tom Delay and his scumbag lackeys in the Texas legislature who resdistricted in 2002, (something with which Kos reports today the quisling Cuellar was personally involved.) Delay himself, in what may well be remembered as one of the greatest acts of hubris in American political history, redistricted himself out of a very safe majority and may just go down because of it.

I had great admiration for the Texas Dems’ true grit when they left the state to avoid a quorum. (I wrote about it here, in one of my early tributes to Lord Saletan’s sniffing condescension about partisanship)Those guys and gals had some guts to do what they did and I salute them for it. It would be beautiful poetic justice if we were able to take back a couple of those seats — especially the seat of a “Democrat” whose sole function in life is to give Junior bipartisan cover.

Update: From Crooks and Liars

Delay: This effort is being driven by the left wing groups like Common Cause, Democracy 21, the ACLU and others…their ultimate goal is public financing of campaigns and total isolation of elected officials.”

And don’t forget the ultra-left wing center of the vast Left Wing Conspiracy: the Bush Justice department.


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