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Of Course

by digby

Avedon Carol snares a great quote that finally cleared something up for me: why does Bush always sound like he’s talking to five year olds?

“He speaks to the audience as if they’re idiots. I think the reason he does that is because that’s the way these issues were explained to him.” – Graydon Carter

The funny thing is that he sounds irritated too. It has always puzzled me why he seems so inappropriately impatient in his town meetings, as if his rapt audience needs some sort of time-wasting remedial education before he can get to the subject, which he never does. (“See — social security is program for older people. Older people like ta retire. When you retire you don’t work. When you don’t work you don’t earn money. That’s the problem.”)

Again, he’s just parroting his own tutorial.


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