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Tancredo’s Mistresses

by digby

McJoan at Kos has posted an action item that’s worth checking out and taking a litle time to participate. It’s about how to counter these bullshit lying radio ads that the RNC has cooked up to blame the Democrats for the GOP’s attempt to turn undocumented workers into felons.

As I wrote yesterday, this is starting to gel as CW among the gasbags and the kewl kidz. I just heard William Schneider saying it as if it’s a fact. That’s not the most important thing, however. The most important thing is that the latino community not be misled. This requires a push back. The Republicans made their racist beds with Tom Tancredo and they have to wake up each morning to his creepy face across the pillow. He’s their problem, not ours.

NDNBlog has more.


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