Porter The Dupe
by digby
After Goss’s announcement yesterday, Foggo told colleagues that he will resign next week. Last week, the agency confirmed that Foggo attended private poker games with Wilkes at a Washington hotel.
Larry Johnson is saying the Dusty Foggo isn’t implicated in the hooker scandal citing a friend’s email with a lot of details about Dusty’s completely above board poker parties. It sounds like total horseshit to me. Here’s an excerpt:
It would not surprise me if Brent used the same rooms at the Watergate and Westin for subsidized Congressional encounters with hookers, but I don’t know this to be the case. If Brent did, I doubt that he would’ve said anything to Dusty about it, because, for all of his judgmental shortcomings, Dusty has enough of a political antenna to realize that he shouldn’t be playing poker in the same room where Duke was availing himself of free hookers. As you probably know, Dusty is the type of guy who people either love or hate. In my experience, women who hate him do so because he is an unabashed chauvinist of the old school. Guys who hate him pretty much do so because they wish they had the moxie to get as much poontang as they think he is getting.
Right. A cigar chomping, poker obsessed chauvanist whom all his buddies assume is getting plenty of “poontang” wouldn’t go near any hookers provided by his good buddy Wilkes, the defense contractor. (Keep in mind that Foggo was the guy who was awarding contracts at the CIA before he was plucked from obscurity by Porter Goss and made the number three guy in the agency.)
Johnson says:
Dusty is an old friend of Brent Wilkes and there has been plenty of speculation and rumor suggesting that Dusty got his job because of Porter’s intervention. Not so says a friend. Dusty got the job thru the intervention of one of Porter’s senior aides, who pushed and got Dusty the job.
Poor Porter. Victimized by his overzealous staff, just like Tom DeLay. These powerful House Republicans are such trusting souls, aren’t they?