The Real Enemy
by digby
Glenn writes about the predictable smearing of Ray McGovern and notes:
Not only is a lopsided majority of Americans (like McGovern) against the war in Iraq, they also believe (like McGovern) that the Bush administration “intentionally misled” the country into war. The fringe, radical, discredited views on the war are not those expressed by McGovern, but are those expressed by Instapundit, LGF and company. And yet those same extremists continue to classify people who oppose the war as “radicals”and “leftists” because they apparently still believe — even in the face of all that evidence to the contrary — that it is their pro-war views which represent what mainstream Americans believe.
I disagree a little. They may not have internalized that reality, but I don’t think they would care even if they had. If that means they think the majority of Americans are Unamerican, no matter that it makes no sense, so be it.
It’s important, I think, to recognize that these people are not populists who hate the elites. They loathe and despise their fellow countrymen. By calling McGovern a moonbat, they are saying he is one of us — the loathsome liberal rank and file.