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“Real Conservatism Has Never Been Tried”

by digby

That has a kind of familiar ring to it doesn’t it? Get used to this new permutation of a very old trope. It’s about to enter the lexicon. Predictably, like the Trotskyites about whom the fathers of the modern conservative movement obsessed, (and the fathers of the neocons were) the modern conservatives are reaching the point at which that sad rationalization is all they have to hang on to.

There is a very interesting discussion taking place all over the left blogosphere about how the conservatives have discovered that the entire Republican establishment, particularly the George W. Bush administration, are liberals. Glenn Greenwald has been directly taking on Jonah Goldberg on this subject (which is something like my cat “taking on” his toy mouse), Hunter at DKos has written a lengthy and fascinating explication of the process, and Kevin Drum, in a different vein, discusses political Lysenkoism as the consequence of conservative loyalty over policy.

Those who have been reading this blog for a while know that I’ve been talking about this for some time as well (here, here and here) as has my pal Rick Perlstein, an expert on the conservative movement, who went into the belly of the beast last fall and talked about it right in front of the grand poohbahs of the conservative movement. (An academic version of the Colbert Miracle, IMO.)

This has been percolating for a while, but is now exploding in full effect as the fog of 9/11 lifts and Bush’s failure becomes manifestly obvious to the vast majority of Americans, including many who voted for him.

This is still a work in progress. The “L” word is being hurled about willy-nilly at anyone who looks at a self-described “conservative” sideways these days, especially fellow conservatives.

Going back to the days when the it failed to back up the Committee For A Present Danger predictions that the Soviets were planning to kill all of us in our beds any day now, the CIA has been seen by the Cheney cabal as a determinedly cowardly bunch of liberal elites who refused to see the true dangers lurking in the world — a problem they were determined to finally fix by naming loyal GOP hack Porter “Brownie” Goss to purge the institution of all non-believers. (Never mind the fact that while the CIA was often wrong — the Cheney cabal and the neecons were never, ever right.)

“The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House,” said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. “Goss was given instructions … to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president’s agenda.”

And how about those retired generals who spoke out against Rumsfeld? As Rhandi Rhodes said, they are all a bunch of acid loving hippies:

Nothing inspires liberals in the press more than the opportunity to glorify liberals in uniform. Conservative military or ex-military types are just jingoistic hacks. But those critical of the military in general or of the Iraq War qualify for the Nobel Peace Prize or Time’s Man of the Year.

“Liberal” you see, is the all purpose epithet used to insult anyone who crosses a self identified conservative — no matter what their politics. It is a particular fighting word when used against people who consider also themselves conservatives. (Remember how fiesty Bush go when McCain “dared” to compare him to Clinton?)

As we all know, conservatism itself cannot fail. It can only be failed. And it isn’t just the mediocre conservatives think tank intellectuals who believe this. Here’s a commmenter on the blog Parapundit writing about Bush and the US Military:

It would still be possible to win if Junior was willing to brutally prosecute the war, as Roosevelt or Truman would have done. It is clear now that Shrub is way too liberal for that. It is not clear if he could have gotten away with it even if he was not a modern liberal. It is not clear if US Army is capable of prosecuting a brutal war now (but Marines probably could do it), way too many officers are squishy liberals in various stages.

This is a version of my father’s favorite Vietnam War rant, taken one step further. He never blamed the military — he said they’d had their hands tied behind their backs and should have been allowed to bomb the Viet Kong back to the stone age. Now the conventional wisdom is that the Army has been infiltrated with cowardly liberals who couldn’t prosecute a real war if they had to.

(Notice too that Truman and Roosevelt are much less liberal than Bush. But then they are seen by history as successes and that means they can’t actually be liberals.)

Today, the CIA is crawling with liberals. The military is crawling with liberals. The Bush administration itself is nothing but a bunch of liberals as must be the GOP congress since they signed off on everything Bush has proposed. The media are, needless to say, nothing but squishy liberals.

The country is going to hell in a handbasket. The president and the congress and all their policies are dramatically unpopular. This, then, is just further proof of the failure of liberalism.

The only thing that can save us is conservatism.


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