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Silverback Males

by digby

The New York Times got scooped today on another hot sexy story about a presidential candidate. This time it’s about Bill Frist, whose wife needs to keep her hubby on a leash when he’s hanging around female Wapo reporters:

At 9:30 a.m., Frist opened the Senate, gripping the corners of the lectern, as he had the operating table. Across the city, rolling in a bed of hay, Kuja opened his eyes and grunted. The gorilla kept touching his tongue to his tooth. Something had changed inside of the beast while he slept. Frist smiled and spoke unremarkably from the lectern, reeking of silverback testosterone.

Granted, this article is about Frist operating on gorillas for National Zoo, which is nice considering his history of cat killing. But the term “silverback” is not only applied to gorillas. It’s also a slang term for sexy middle aged human males. How this applies to Bill Frist, I’m not sure, but then who can account for people’s taste in members of the opposite sex? Henry Hyde and Newt Gingrich are prime examples of this conundrum.

But I’m sure this reporter knew nothing about that silverback thing, Mrs Frist. All that hot imagery about the beast within and silverback testosterone is completely innocent. Still, it might be a good idea to have Patrick Healy look into the Frist marriage for the Times. This doesn’t look good.


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