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by digby

Blogger is back. Sort of. I think. If I can get this to actually publish I will be back in business today. Thanks for hanging in.

Sadly, I have to go out for a bit. Until I get back, I thought I’d update you on the blue state country song comments from over the week-end. A lot of people suggested Springsteen or Dylan, which makes sense. There were also a number of commenters and emailers who suggested “The Man In Black” by Johnny Cash — and Cash is always transcendently cool. Most impressively, there were a bunch of songs written by readers themselves that were great.

But I particularly liked this one, written by reader MJS:

Listen to the Wind

I’m living in the blue states
I’m living in the red
Somebody took the common man
And filled his common head
And poisoned all our brothers
And all our sisters too
Only one kind of person is happy
When I start to hate on you

I’m working in the factory
Working on the big combine
I can’t afford a doctor
And the baby won’t stop crying
Our sons and daughters fight a war
Our sons and daughters die
They want us blue and red ones
To never hear each other’s cries

Listen to me brothers
Listen sisters too
Listen to the melody
That plays inside of you
Listen to the silence
And listen to your heart
Who gets to making money
Whenever fighting starts?
Listen to the wind
It carries all our songs
Listen to the wind
Everybody join along

I’m searching for the Jesus
Who aimed to help the sick
Who gave solace to the poor of us
Who knew love was not a trick
I’m searching for the Jesus
The man, the Prince of Peace
Teach me not to cast stones
Teach me to slay that beast

I’m searching for some honor
I’m searching for a life
Where I can feel compassion
Put an end to needless strife
I’m hoping that I’ll find it
Right here inside of me
Forget about red and blue states
My country ’tis of thee
Sing it like you mean it
Turn a them into a we

Listen to me brothers
Listen sisters too
Listen to the melody
That plays inside of you
Listen to the silence
And listen to your heart
Who gets to making money
Whenever fighting starts?
Listen to the wind
It carries all our songs
Listen to the wind
Everybody join along
Sing it like you mean it
Everybody join along

I’m living in the blue states
I’m living in the red
Somebody took the common man
And filled his common head
And poisoned all our brothers
And all our sisters too
Only one kind of person is happy
When I start to hate on you

I’m working in the factory
Working on the big combine
I can’t afford a doctor
And the baby won’t stop crying
Our sons and daughters fight a war
Our sons and daughters die
They want us blue and red ones
To never hear each other’s cries

Listen to me brothers
Listen sisters too
Listen to the melody
That plays inside of you
Listen to the silence
And listen to your heart
Who gets to making money
Whenever fighting starts?
Listen to the wind
It carries all our songs
Listen to the wind
Everybody join along

Poor Joe Klein’s head will explode if populist sentiment like that catches on.


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