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Salon Looks At the Kennedy Voter Fraud Article

by tristero

Without letting Kenneth Blackwell off the hook for major league unethical partisan behavior, Farhad Manjoo examines key points of the Kennedy voter fraud article in Rolling Stone mentioned here. He goes into detail as to why he thinks Kennedy failed to make a convincing case that Ohio ’04 was stolen.

If you’re willing to read Manjoo’s article, I’d be curious to know what you folks think. It seems as if many of his points are quite valid regarding selective quoting of facts by Kennedy, etc.

Assuming Manjoo is, himself, quoting fairly, it doesn’t exonerate the ugly behavior of Blackwell, or call into question the crucial necessity of election reforms in the US. But it would mean that RFKjr has been less than honest in presenting all the facts and in the drawing of conclusions.

If that is the case, that RFKjr was wrong or seriously misleading, then naturally I will withdraw my assertion in the previous post that Ohio ’04 was stolen. Manjoo’s objections to Kennedy seem substantive and require a response from those who are knowlegeable about this issue at a granular level. Kennedy himself should respond, of course.

[UPDATE: Outside The Beltway , after initially posting a purely ad hominem attack on Kennedy, updated his post to include a highly detailed rebuttal of many of Kennedy’s points, including the problem with trusting exit polls, mentioned by Manjoo, et al. Again, either a substantive counter-response or an admission of error on Kennedy’s part really is appropriate. ]

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