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by digby

If Dan Bartlett is any indication, the administration is going completely over the bend and are going to try to convince the American people that “Islamic fascism” is literally equivalent to WWII.

Here’s what he just said on Hardball:

Nora O’Donnell: Dan do you agree that making an analogy to Hitler can be disproportionate with the current battles — while it’s extremely important, the war on terror — comparing it to WWII is overstepping

Dan Bartlett: Absolutely not. The fascist movement from that era is very similar to the totalitarian ideology that al-Qaeda and other extremists, those who are wanting to pervert a very rich tradition of peaceful religion – Islam – to accomplish a certain set of objectives.

They have taken 3,000 American lives on one single morning, they’ve attacked country after country after country throughout the world with a very determined idoelogy, they’re trying to overturn governments. They took control of Afghanistan, they’re trying to take control of Iraq, they’re trying to take control of Lebanon and they’re doing it for a very specific reason — they have territorial ambition, they want the resources, they want the nuclear weapons, they want to destroy the west.

Very similar in proportion I would argue, and many other people would argue as well. So it is a very important historical lesson for to understand today because the fight we’re in today is as consequential as the fight we fought in the last century.

Let’s think for a moment about what he’s saying. If it is true that they have suddenly discovered that this threat is equal to the threat posed by the axis powers in WWII, then they have clearly failed miserably to meet such an existential threat. These monsters are allegedly attacking “country after country after country” trying to seize territory so they can take the resources and get nuclear weapons and we are sending national guard troops over to Iraq for their fourth or fifth tours instead of mobilizing the entire nation? The only sacrifice Bush has asked of the Amrican people is to pay their taxes and spend money.

But there’s more to the story. Nora then commented on Bush’s insistence yesterday that this wasn’t “political” and admonishing others not to politicize it. Bartlett was having none of it.

He continued:

Dan Bartlett: It’s important that certain aspects or certain reflection points in this war that the president of the United States speak directly to the public about the conduct of this war, developments in this war and the consequences of this war. He is not partisan in the sense that he’s going out and attacking individual members of the other party or the like…

Nora O’Donnell: No, because you are going to leave this for Rumsfeld to do.

Dan Bartlett: Rumsfeld talked about [inaudible]who as you have pointed out are many times on this program go off and say the president lied and people died, that the president, the administration is incompetent, the administration is this, the administration is that, and it’s important that the administration clearly articulate and set the recod straight on many of these outrageous comments that people are making.

And some of the outrageous comments are coming from people who want to take control of the congress. Now there are consequences for the rhetoric they are employing at this time and at this juncture in the war on terror and it is incumbent upon officials in this administration to clearly explain to the American people what those consequences are, so…

It’s a two way street Nora and as long as our critics are out there, saying what they’re saying, often times not based on fact, it’s important for the administration to very very aggressively articulate what the facts are and why we believe it. There are two sides to this debate.

Well now. That certainly clears up what the real motivation for this PR offensive is, doesn’t it? Bartlett lost his shit and pretty much admitted that this is a simple political ploy — a gambit to draw attention away from Bush’s failures. (Shrum just called it a “Katrina foreign policy.”)

But if this takes hold and people really begin to accept this WWII analogy, the logical extension of the argument is that the US needs to do everything it possibly can to defeat this existential threat and that can only mean we must be willing to use nuclear weapons. They keep using the word “consequences” and I’m getting a rather ugly picture in my head of just what they might be.

Update: Glenn Greenwald notes the similarities between Bush’s Iraq speech in Cincinnatti and his speech yesterday. I don’t know if they’ve decided on war with Iran and/or Syria, but they most certainly are preparing the ground.

Greenwald advises the Democrats to go on the offensive and hit Bush hard. I agree, of course. I was a little bit depressed to hear Nora O’Donnell tell Jack Reed today that they’ve tried to get a Democrat to come on for days to rebut the Republican attack and couldn’t get any calls returned. I guess people are on vacation… All Reed could say is “I’m here now.”

Update II:

And a Freeper has an aneurysm:

To: governsleastgovernsbest

I wonder if oberman has children;or nephews/nieces etc. All of these idiots that refuse to allow the front loading of a looming confrontation will be directly responsible for the fact that in all likelihood OUR children will absolutely be involved in a life or death struggle to preserve OUR nation. The very same elitist , do nothing but babble , morons that decry every use of force , every vengeful indiscretion, every PERCIEVED slight, of a murdering Islamofacists rights, will be the very same people that squall like stuck pigs , when all of our children are fighting and dying because of the aformentioned idiocy.

I just hope the marksmanship I taught my children can keep them alive when it becomes the difference between those that make out alive and those that don’t .

The really terrifying aspect of all this is the open borders issue and how it darn near grandee’s that 5th columnist are or will be in place to harm us in a much more personal way than Hitler ever did. 56 posted on 08/30/2006 8:16:31 PM PDT by ping jockey (radical islam; the great evil of all times.)

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