Just Flash Those Gams, Honey
by digby
What self respecting woman would work in a powerful position for a man who runs his organization like this:
Rumsfeld also infuriated another powerful woman – then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice – by not returning her phone calls. So she complained to the boss.
Bush advised Rice to be “playful” with the stubborn Rumsfeld in an effort to get along. And he cajoled Rumsfeld, telling him: “I know you won’t talk to Condi. But you got to talk to her.”
This is the famous macho cowboy president? Did he tell Colin Powell to be “flirty?” Does he instruct Stephen Hadley to toss his hair to get Rummy’s attention? It would be less insulting if he’d told Condi to give Rummy a blow job. At least she wouldn’t have been infantalized.
This is your Republican Party folks, protecting you from the terrorists who are coming to kill you in your bed. Feeling safer?