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Register To Vote Today!

by digby

Matt Stoller sez:

If you haven’t registered to vote and you live Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, or Washington, do it today. The deadlines for those states fall between October 7 – October 11, which is early next week. Voter registration is no longer hard. I did it a few days ago (change of address) through this site, which produced a nice slick PDF which I mailed in. The whole process took me fifteen minutes.

Register here

As a bonus, since I did it through that site I’m now counted as an ‘Internet Freedom Voter’, or a voter who cares about net neutrality.

If you need deadlines for other states, go to this post.

Update: I missed Florida, New Mexico, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, New York, and Virginia. Ack.

Here’s more on voter registration from the DSCC


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