Some Good News
by tristero
Michigan Citizens for Science (MCFS) is happy to announce that we won a major victory with the State Board of Education on Tuesday. Having failed to have pro-ID [“intelligent design” creationism] language included in a bill earlier this year to harmonize the educational standards for public and charter schools in the state, House Republicans turned their attention to the State Board of Education and attempted to influence that board to include anti-evolution language into the new science standards. The BOE rejected those attempts with a unanimous vote.
And this is as good a time as any to make the point that Kitzmiller was a far more important decision than Scopes, for three reasons. First of all, unlike Scopes, scientists were permitted to testify extensively on the theory of evolution. Secondly, the judge’s decision was particularly damning, putting creationists on notice that their legal antics were dishonest and wasting the judiciary’s time.
But the most important reason is that, unlike Scopes, the good guys decisively won.
Back in 1925, Scopes was convicted, as part of Darrow’s strategy to appeal the case eventually to the Supreme Court. Instead, the case got kind of waylaid on a technicality. In Kitzmiller, the verdict was an unequivocal slam-dunk for science, reason, and the core American value of separation of church and state.
ht, Frederick Clarkson whose post has all sorts of interesting goodies.