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Do I Have To Draw You A Picture?

by tristero

Any Democratic candidate that doesn’t mention the unending disaster of Iraq within five seconds of beginning any interview or speech should be forced to listen to the collected speeches of Newt Gingrich for the week after s/he loses in November. Here’s why.

And the second issue? The unbelievably widespread moral corruption of the Republican Party. Start by denouncing the degenerates who would sneer at a Parkinson’s patient in order to evade the vitally important issue of funding stem cell research. Then mention the crass appeals to racism in the ads, the refusal to take responsibility. Then Foley, Abramoff, Reed, Cunningham, Libby, Armstrong Williams, Betting Bill Bennett, Michael Brown – my God, the list of creeps and hypocrites is long and getting longer by the moment.

And the last name on that list? Donald Rumsfeld. Which brings you right back to issue #1.


[Updated to add the story about the gay aide to the homophobic Harris who may have slept with the Republican candidate for governor of Florida. The GOP truly has set new standards for hypocrisy.]

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