Let’s Remember
by tristero
On the extremely remote chance that Diebold’s voting machines will fail to overcount Republican votes in some future election and a non-Republican gets sworn in as president, someone should be archiving all the times the network has refused to run ads for documentaries, features, and other media critical of Republicans, like this one.
Call me cynical, but I suspect that if the Republicans are out of office, they still won’t have any problem getting their propaganda publicized like mad on all the major networds, no matter how vicious, how false, or how un-American.
What to do in the here and now? Well, I’d boycott NBC except for one thing. I can’t remember the last time I watched anything on NBC. The closest was a few Olbermann web clips that didn’t have any commercials, so I guess I’ve just been given one more very good reason to ignore NBC’s programming.
Oh, and now I know what my Holiday* presents will be. Chicks albums as well as Michael Berube’s great book.
*That’s right O’Reilly. Holiday presents.