Question: Has Scott Ritter Ever Been Published/Extensively Interviewed In “Vanity Fair?”
by tristero
The reason I ask is that right now, “Vanity Fair” is wasting paper preparing to print the utterly worthless opinions of the murderous morons who sold the Bush/Iraq war to the American people. Meanwhile Ritter, who was absolutely right about Iraq, has published an extremely important article on Iran – which, unlike the neo-cons, he has taken the trouble to actually visit extensively – in The Nation, where it will receive perhaps 1/10th the coverage it would if it were in Vanity Fair.
And so I ask: Has Scott Ritter ever been prominently published/featured in “Vanity Fair”? A quick Google search seems to answer “no” but maybe someone can remember something.
If the answer really is “no,” then perhaps a letter or 3 million to the VF editors is in order…
[UPDATE: Apparently, “Vanity Fair” has never published or extensively interviewed Scott Ritter. You can write the editors here. h/t Dave in comments.]