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Jesus Doesn’t Mention It

by digby

Following up tristero’s post below, it’s interesting that David Kuo says something along those lines in this new TIME magazine article:

“The evangelical obsession with homosexuality makes this especially ironic. For many evangelical leaders, anything related to homosexuality is this special, dark sin. But that’s not what the Bible says,” says Kuo. “Really it’s a sin like gossiping to your neighbor. Jesus doesn’t even mention it at all.”

Nobody made it sound darker or more sinful than Ted Haggard.

ABC is reporting that Haggard’s church just excommunicated fired him for “sexually immoral conduct:”

“Our investigation and Pastor Haggard’s public statements have proven without a doubt that he has committed sexually immoral conduct,” the New Life Church’s Overseer Board said in a statement.

Haggard on Friday acknowledged paying Jones for a massage and for methamphetamine, but said he did not have sex with him and did not take the drug.

I don’t know what this could mean except that he confessed to something sexual. Perhaps if he had spent his time teaching his flock that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality and that it’s considered at worst a “sin” akin to gossip, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

Here’s a little spiritual guidance for him:

as ye sow, so shall ye reap, big guy


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