FDL visitors: here’s the actual prediction link.
The Night Before Midterms
By Verse in the comments
‘Twas the night before mid-terms
And all through the House
Speaker Hastert was ranting
The filthy old louse“Tomorrow they choose, and the future is clear.
We’ll be handed our asses by the voters this year”
“Coach” Hastert was rattled, his confidence lost
For Nancy Pelosi would soon be his boss!And Bill Frist with his scalpel, and a VERY scared cat
Wondered why all the public thought him such an asshat.
An irate America arose with such clatter
That even Chris Matthews gave up his weak blather!Away to the polls we all flew like a flash,
And showed Dub the meaning of a voter backlash
The results were disputed by spinmeister Snow
But America just said “the bastards must go!”When who should to my wondering eyes should appear
But a feisty Jack Murtha with a case of cold beer.
Wes Clark on his left flank, Charlie Rangle his right,
I knew in a moment, it would be a long night!Their losses now certain, our future so bright…
It’s time to pay up KKKKarl, starting next Tuesday nightGone Chafee, Santorum, Jim Talent and Burns…
Plus Kyle and Dewine, ’cause America learns
Gone Hayworth and Northrup and Christopher Shays.
they’ll all lose their house seats in a matter of days!And Nancy and Harry, they’ll go straight to their work
Of fighting George Dubya, the pustular jerk!
Bush, laying a finger upside of his nose
Took a huge snort of……..well, you know how it goes…Bush sprang to Dick Cheney, when “Darth” gave Dub a whistle
As the Democrats swamped them both like a “nucular” missile!And I heard Cheney growl as Bush cringed at his side
“Be prepared you dumb asshole for a real nasty ride…..”
Merry Midterms, my friends.
Here’s Charlie Cook’s final prediction, here’s Stuart Rothenberg’s.