Shake Your Floozy Patch
by digby
A Republican-led legislative panel claims in a new report on illegal immigration that abortion is partly to blame because it is causing a shortage of American workers.
The report from the state House Special Committee on Immigration Reform also claims “liberal social welfare policies” have discouraged Americans from working and encouraged immigrants to cross the border illegally.
The statements about abortion, welfare policies and a recommendation to abolish income taxes in favor of sales taxes were inserted into the immigration report by the committee chairman, Rep. Ed Emery.
All six Democrats on the panel refused to sign the report. Some of them called the abortion assertion ridiculous and embarrassing.
“There’s a lot of editorial comment there that I couldn’t really stomach,” Rep. Trent Skaggs said Monday. “To be honest, I think it’s a little delusional.”
All 10 Republican committee members signed the report, though one of them, Rep. Billy Pat Wright, said Monday he didn’t recall it connecting abortion and illegal immigration.
Emery, who equates abortion to murder, defended the assertions.
“We hear a lot of arguments today that the reason that we can’t get serious about our borders is that we are desperate for all these workers,” Emery said. “You don’t have to think too long. If you kill 44 million of your potential workers, it’s not too surprising we would be desperate for workers.”
National Right to Life estimates there have been more than 47 million abortions since the Supreme Court established a woman’s right to abortion in its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The immigration report estimates there are 80,000 fewer Missourians because of abortion, many of whom now would have been in a “highly productive age group for workers.”
As I wrote earlier, we have the DLC hiring crackpot sociologists to write articles about liberals outbreeding the conservative movement, David Brooks talking about “natalism,” Newsweek writing respectful articles about the Kooky Quiverfuls and now state legislatures connecting immigration to abortion and suggesting that the white women aren’t breeding enough. Anybody feeling the hot breath of a new conservative meme on their necks?
Good luck with that. Women are going to make their own choices and there is nothing these throwbacks can do about it. If some of them want to have 14 children it’s their right. Nobody’s going to stop them. (As long as they are white and married of course. Singles or women of color are just whores and parasites and must be stopped, the workforce be damned.) I have a feeling that this anti-birth control and brood-mare-for-Jesus thing isn’t going to catch fire.
I do have a good idea how these people can lead by example, however. Every woman who belongs to the forced childbirth movement should sign a contract agreeing to birth at least four snowflake babies and homeschool them. This way they could assure that each woman fulfills her patriotic duty by raising at least four children (more if she wants to pass on her own very special genes) and the nation will have a nice homegrown uneducated workforce to exploit with low wages and bad working conditions. They wouldn’t even have to fuck, which I’m sure would be a great relief for all concerned.
Oh, and in case anyone’s wondering, Ed Meese, one of the Horsenuts of the Apocalypse, explicitly says in his GQ interview that Roe is not the problem. It’s Griswald. I’m not sure why exactly, but recent wingnut “science” suggests that when females hang their “floozy-patch” out there for all to see, pick up strange men and get drunk on oxytocin they lose the capacity to love a good man. Or something.
Pandagon has been discussing this issue in detail and has lots of info on what is obviously a new front for the forced childbirth movement.