It’s Important To Save The Frog
by digby
In keeping with the usual Saturday night at the movies here on Hullabaloo, I just watched An Inconvenient Truth and I am here to tell you that if you ever thought Al Gore was a boring has-been, this film will prove otherwise. It isn’t that he’s any less stiff or formal than he ever was. He’s the same guy I always saw — earnest, decent and human. But this film shows us a person who is doing something that so transcends any of the usual political and media calculations that he seems almost serene.
This film is so important. I saw it last summer and felt more moved than I have in years. This is a complicated and dangerous world and we are all overwhelmed by the challenges we face. Global warming may be the biggest and most challenging of all — and yet it may present opportunities for us if we can recognize just how connected we are to other people by virtue of this planet we all share. The film is educational and illuminating but it also unexpectedly imbues you with an almost lightheaded feeling of hope.
Al Gore is really too good for politics. He’s more like a prophet than a politician at this point. I almost don’t want to see him enter the fray and take the disgusting offal they will throw at him. But I love the guy and if it happened I can’t think of anyone who’d make a better president.
An Inconvenient Truth DVD or An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming
the book is a great choice if you are looking for something meaningful to give someone for Christmas.
If you haven’t heard Melissa Etheridge’s great song for the movie, check it out. It makes me all verklempt:
Gore is asking that people sign a million postcards which he will take to the new congress in January. He says:
Yes, the new majority in Congress will be much more receptive on the importance of global warming. That’s the good news. But I know from personal experience that the only thing that will make Washington really take notice and do more than give lip service to the problem of global warming is the prospect of millions of committed citizens taking action. It’s time to join together and make that happen. Can you help?
Sure we can.