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Ranch Dressing

by digby

When I read that Bush was upset about a fashion article about him, I was actually prepared to defend him. I mean if it suggested that he had calculated that wearing pants really tight in the crotch would show what a manly man he was or something, or even if they said he’d taken up earth tones to make himself more “accessible,” I would have stood up for his right to bitch. These fashion articles are very annoying.

But I read it and I can’t figure out what his beef was. It’s an extremely dull article discussing what he wears at the ranch, like anybody gives a damn. There’s one silly quote from a consultant who says he’s being more statesmanlike (by dressing like Walker Texas Ranger!) than he was early in the term, and implies that it’s because he’s unpopular. I can’t even figure out what that means. But that’s not even close to the ridiculous stuff they said about Gore or the nasty innuendos out there about Edwards and his haircuts right now. (The piece even took a gratuitous knock on Bill Clinton, fergawdsake, what does he want?)

It ends by saying, “In his Western duds, Bush easily could model for Ralph Lauren. But if his popularity is still low through the end of his presidency, he could always try Wrangler.” Is that supposed to be a low blow? A few weeks ago the whole town was accusing Hillary Clinton of flashing her ta-tas on the floor of the senate to “humanize” herself. Saying he could be a Ralph Lauren model is hardly a slam. (Unless, of course, Mr “Prance-around-in-a-skin-tight-jumpsuit-like-a-Chippendale’s-dancer” thought that made him sound effeminate.)

Typical Bush. He actually went out of his way to complain about an article that isn’t even critical. And it may be the only article in the last six months that isn’t. Weird.


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