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Surprise, Surpise, Surprise

by digby

So His Eminence John Warner is going to screw the troops again. an interview Tuesday, the senator said he is “reconsidering his position” in light of the administration’s willingness to move closer to him on expediting some reduction in U.S. troop levels this year in Iraq. “It took a lot of convincing to make the first units come home before Christmas,” Mr. Warner said. “There is a lot of importance in that.”

Yeah, there’s a lot of “importance” in Warner and George W. Bush hosting a treacly Christmas pageant featuring a handful of troops who were scheduled to come home anyway.

I have written a longer piece on the perfidy of Senator Lucy Van Peldt Warner’s predictable habit of pulling the football out from under Democrats over at CAF. I don ‘t know why any Democrat ever trusts him. (Good riddance to the bastard.)

This is nonsense. The Dems should force these republicans to vote on the amendment every single day and explain why they think it’s a good idea to wear out the military to the breaking point.

Here’s Jim Webb:

Update: Act For Change has a nice message you can send to your senators here.


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