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The One

by dday

At this point you may have seen this Web ad that the McCain campaign put out, using fabricated quotes and contextless remarks to make some kind of muddled “argument” that Obama fancies himself the Messiah.

Seems to be a little projection in there. As far as I know, Obama doesn’t open his town hall meetings with a video like this:

At many of his events, his campaign sets up a screen and plays for the crowd a three-minute film called “Service with Honor,” telling the story of McCain’s more than five years of captivity in a North Vietnamese prison after his Navy plan was shot down in 1967. As sonorous music plays in the background, McCain’s mother Roberta recounts her reaction on hearing of his capture, images of McCain in captivity are flashed on screen, and two fellow POW’s describe his comportment. “He was offered early release and he told ’em to shove it,” says one, Paul Galanti. “He has been there, he’s done that, he’s been miserable he’s been tortured, beaten to a pulp and yet he still comes up with that patented McCain smile.”

McCain himself concludes the film with these words: “The only reason I am here today is because I believe a higher being has a mission for me and my life.”

Here’s that film:

Talk about presumptuous. Is that a young McCain standing with his arms outstretched, like the Messiah, at 0:13?

Remember, though, that McCain is extremely reluctant to talk about his POW experience.


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