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An Answer For Doug MacKinnon

by tristero

Douglas MacKinnon, former press hack for Bob Dole, asks:

Why do so many on the left have such an unhinged hatred of [Sarah Palin]?

Well, Doug, I just want you to know, that, personally, I don’t have an unhinged hatred of Sarah Palin. Repeat: I do NOT have an unhinged hatred of Sarah Palin. Not in the slightest.

My hatred hinges quite sensibly on her advocacy of a psychotic extreme rightwing ideology, her radical christianism, her courting of organizations that ooze contempt for American democracy, her propensity to lie the way normal people breathe, her enormous pride in her blithering ignorance, her sheer incompetence, and her mind-boggling megalomania.

And truly, Mr. MacKinnon, the Vanity Fair article you object to are the least of the reasons to hate Sarah Palin, even if they make the rightwing love affair with such a repellent personality seem rather…unhinged, if you know what I mean.

Updated with a link to a Neiwert post.

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