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by digby

As you all know, Blue America has been collecting money to run some ads in Arkansas to ask Blanche Lincoln to support a Public Plan. We shot three spots but couldn’t decide which one to go with, so we’ve decided to ask you to make the decision for us, by coughing up yet another buck or two for the ad of your choice.

All you have to do is go to the Act Blue Campaign For Health Care Choice Page and follow the instructions.

Here are the ads:

#1 “I Thought We Had Insurance”

#2 “Bonuses”

#3 “Bailout”

Vote here! Vote often!

John Amato has a thorough post about the campaign and the contest, here.

Previous posts about the campaign:

Campaign For Health Care Choice
Monopoly Money
A Votre Sante
Private Dancers
Code Blue
Learn, Damn You, Learn!
Washington To Constituents:STFU


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