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DC Deaniacs

by digby

Jamison Foser notes that the Village is rallying around its main man:

You’ve probably noticed that Washington Post columnist David Broder and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are having a bit of a spat. Again. What you may have missed was the Beltway media rallying around Broder via a Politico article earlier this week:

In an age of ideological divisions, Broder is widely known as a fair arbiter on Capitol Hill, a journalist who’s as interested in the process as he is in the policy and politics. He favors pragmatists over fierce ideologues and speaks up for decorum in Washington politics.

Read on for Foser’s world weary rebuttal of this nonsense.

I’m sure David Broder and his pals really believe they aren’t serving any ideology. They think they are simply reflecting mainstream America. Everyone knows that “the left” doesn’t respect the homespun values that these wealthy aristocrats like to pretend they have and because they insist that the government’s best tools like cutting taxes for millionaires and fighting inscrutable wars are not useful policies, they must be resisted at all times. They look at the Town halls and Beck and Palin and Limbaugh and don’t see radicals. They see middle aged white men and women who look just like them. Obviously then, the radicals must be the other guys.

Most importantly, they see the insistence on passing an agenda without the approval of the rump Republicans as unforgiveably uppity and obnoxiously ill-mannered. Even a conservative like Harry Reid cannot be allowed to insult The Dean for relying on bad information provided by rightwing zealots in his own newsroom. Why the whole village would would simply collapse if that caught on.

I think it’s time to revisit a seminal moment in Village history:

As Stewart says: balls of steel.


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