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Only Villagers May Opine — Peretz Appalled

Only Villagers May Opine

by digby

My goodness, Marty Peretz certainly has his little boy shorts in a twist. An unsanctioned non-villager asked questions about Elena Kagan so his Village better had to put him in his place:

“I Am Appalled That TNR Has Published Why Some Nobody Doesn’t Want Elena Kagan Nominated To The Supreme Court” …

Isn’t it enough that President Obama, who is clearly satisfied with her performance as S.G., will send her name to the Senate? As Campos admits, most people on the left are roughly comfortable with her politics. And everybody admires her character. I’ve only met her a few times at Cambridge events. She is a brilliant conversationalist … and very funny, besides.

That really should be good enough for anyone which is why I’m backing Jon Stewart for the seat.

This is the same guy who wrote this:

“What I suspect is that the president is probably a clinical narcissist. This is not necessarily a bad condition if one maintains for oneself what the psychiatrists call an ‘optimal margin of illusion,’ that is, the margin of hope that allows you to work. But what if his narcissism blinds him to the issues and problems in the world and the inveterate foes of the nation that are not susceptible to his charms?”

I think what happened here is that while Peretz may loathe him the president and his choice Kagan are members of the club and the riff raff were getting above themselves. It’s called class solidarity and it’s always interesting to see how solid it always is among the ruling class — especially when they feel the peasants getting restless.

BTW: The “nobody” who so appalled Peretz is a “magna cum laude graduate of the University of Michigan LawSchool, where he was editor of the Law Review Professor Campos joined the University of Colorado faculty in 1990. His academic articles and
essays have appeared in the nation’s top legal journals, including the Columbia Law Review, the Michigan Law Review, and the California Law Review. In 1995 he was named the first director of the Byron R. White Center for American Constitutional Study. Among other awards and honors, Professor Campos was recently named “Best University of
Colorado Professor” by the Colorado Daily. He is the author of two books on the law.”

But is he funny?

He is also a blogger at Lawyer, Guns and Money, which makes him a DFH as well. No wonder Peretz was appalled.


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