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Clap Louder — winning is believing

Clap Louder

by digby

McChrystal Says Despite Progress in Afghanistan, ‘Nobody is Winning’

What would constitute winning?

GENERAL STANLEY MCCHRYSTAL: I think it’s very — our success is very dependent upon the people believing in the future.

Now, they don’t have to believe that the government that they have today is perfect. What they have to believe is that the government we are working towards is better than what an alternative would be. They have to believe in the future. And, therefore, they have to support that progress to it.

Their government will be challenged for many years, like governments are around the world. Their security will be challenged. But, if they believe in the future, they believe that they can make it better, and that this government and this constitution and this security force apparatus that they are creating along with their partnership with the coalition, and particularly the United States, is something that leads to a better future, then their support becomes strong. And that’s the key point.

Oh God.


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