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Bipartisan bankruptcy

Bipartisan Bankruptcy

by digby

I don’t mean to make this day a non-stop trip down Hullabaloo memory lane, but what with this news dday discusses here about how the heinous bankruptcy bill of 2005 exacerbated the housing meltdown, I had to pull up this post from when it was passed to remind everyone of how the Democratic moderates and centrists jumped on board that train and how they got their poor little feelings hurt when they were called out for it by the liberals:

Atrios has already issued the call to action on the sensitive, delicate Democrats of the NDC who were swooning over the coarse, indecorous criticism they received for voting for the Bankruptcy bill, so I’ll just send you there for the information.

However, I’d like to make one little suggestion. When you obstreperous partisans write your e-mails you might want to ask them what exactly they mean by this:

“The center [CAP] could have made the argument on the merits, but it chose to do so in a personal way,” said Schiff, one of roughly a dozen lawmakers who attended the meeting.

“The [NDC] wanted to say, ‘We’re all under the same flag here, and let’s not forget that,’” he said


“The unfortunate thing about the e-mail is that it questioned the good faith of the Democrats who support the bankruptcy bill. Whenever you question the good faith, that’s problematic,” he [Artur Davis(D-Ala)] said. “But I certainly don’t blame John for that e-mail. I don’t think it was authorized.”

“Certainly there is a disagreement over the bankruptcy bill,” he said.

(Oh my stars, it was rude to get so personal and all, wasn’t it? How ill-bred.)

Without upsetting their fragile nerves, when you send your e-mails you might want to ask politely why any Democrat would think that the bankruptcy bill would be good for their constituents who are, after all, who they actually represent. Are they creating jobs by doing this? Are they creating a more dynamic economy? Why would it be “pro-business”, as Democrats define that term, to enable just one business — the credit card companies — to reap ever higher profits while they charge usurious interest rates to average Americans?

If it isn’t that they’ve whored themselves out to such an extent that they are now the credit card companies’ bitches, (pardon my french!) what exactly is the reason they support it?

It’s always good to take a look back and realize that you can hit your head against a wall for many years and not suffer serious brain damage.

*Also, If you click the link to Atrios’ post above, you’ll see that the centrists got their sad because of something David Sirota wrote for CAP. I guess CAP got the message.

Update: Speaking of Sirota, read what he wrote in 2008 on this topic.

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