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Wanted: Rich, white male 4 short term affair

Wanted: Rich, white male 4 short term affair

by digby

Centrist Matt Miller, is once again trolling for wealthy men in the pages of the Washington Post. But never let it be said that he’s so shallow that the only thing he cares about in a man is his money:

Let me be clear: I’m not saying that Mike Bloomberg or Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz or others rumored to be weighing such steps are “the answer.” We’d need to know much more about their ideas for the country before making such judgments; and I expect more frustrated leaders will consider entering the fray in the months ahead.

You think? I don’t. If he’s a billionaire, businessman “leader” (oooh baby) that’s good enough for me. They’re good at just everything. I don’t even want to clutter my beautiful mind with the details. Just fix it Mr Big!

Miller wants a man who will mess up that giant, king sized bed bed we call America:

If you’re rich, serious about changing the world and think our two-party tyranny has become part of the problem, there’s no better time to invest in disruptive political innovation. The country you save may be your own.

I think that’s a typo. It should say, “the country you own may be the one you save,” but that’s just quibbling. The most important thing here is to realize that these vaunted centrists are just desperate to hook up with a billionaire businessman hero, and they’ll pretty much go down on their knees and … beg, if that’s what it’s going to take.

Sadly, they don’t understand that no matter how much they complain about the old ball and chain, these businessmen are actually quite happy with their current mates — the Republicans and the Democrats. They are getting everything they need at home.


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