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A taste of the good stuff — the Village media gets excited

A taste of the good stuff

by digby

Atrios takes a little trip down memory lane to remind us just how nuts the beltway press can be when the the right wing gives them a tasty scandal morsel to suck on — no matter how dishonest, no matter how irrelevant it is.

So, following up on David’s post below, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the Village media’s reaction to this Solyndra pseudo-scandal. It isn’t on the level of the Whitewater circus of course and it’s nothing compared to Monica Madness, but when you read articles like this one, you know they’ve had a taste of the good stuff and they’re hoping for more:

The Energy Department on Wednesday approved two loan guarantees worth more than $1 billion for solar energy projects in Nevada and Arizona, two days before the expiration date of a program that has become a rallying cry for Republican critics of the Obama administration’s green energy program.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the department has completed a $737 million loan guarantee to Tonopah Solar Energy for a 110 megawatt solar tower on federal land near Tonopah, Nev., and a $337 million guarantee for Mesquite Solar 1 to develop a 150 megawatt solar plant near Phoenix.

The article doesn’t indicate that there’s anything wrong with either of the companies or that there’s any reason why they shouldn’t be approved for the loan guarantees. Neither does it spell out that the Solyndra pseudo-scandal is utter crap ginned up by Republicans for partisan gain.

Instead, they just invoke Cokie’s Law, implying that because it’s “out there” it’s news, regardless of whether there’s any truth in it.

Some things never change.


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