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Sexist performance art — old perfesser edition

Sexist performance art

by digby

Via Thers over at Eschaton, here’s Glenn Reynolds being totally incoherent:

FROM FACEBOOK, BEST ELIZABETH WARREN PARODY/RESPONSE YET: This was posted by Ashtad Bin Sayyif, but I’m not sure if he’s the original author or just reposting. Anyway, it goes to the core problem. Are you the state’s property, or not?

That goes to the core problem, but I don’t think it’s the one Glenn Reynolds think it is.

Maybe today’s a good day to contribute to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign. You can do so at Blue America’s Senate 2012 page.

God I’m tired of this crap. Every time a woman runs for office a thousand sexist little jerks get their rocks off performing this pathetic little dance for one another.


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