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Libya subtext

Libya subtext

by digby

Let’s get in on the ground. There is a lot of money to be made in the future in Libya. Lot of oil to be produced. Let’s get on the ground and help the Libyan people establish a democracy and a functioning economy based on free market principles. —- Lindsay “Huckleberry” Graham

Russ Baker’s “WhoWhatWhy” provides a very interesting primer on Libya that’s well worth reading as we contemplate what happened and will happen:

In light of Muammar Qaddafi’s apparent death—and in anticipation of the deluge of news “coverage” that will tell us little of substance about what happened in Libya this past year, and, more importantly, why—we’d like to offer some answers, taken from our reporting over that period. (And please share this information with your friends and colleagues; an informed public is a public not easily duped.)Read comprehensive coverage of the real story in Libya here:The Libya Secret: How the West Cooked Up the “People’s” Uprising Media Nonsense in Libya Coverage US Senators of Both Parties Collude On Libya Deception How a Rape Allegation Played a Role in Weakening Qaddafi Did Qaddafi Really Order Mass Rapes? Or is This Disinformation? What’s Really Behind the Libya Intervention (Hint: It’s not about humanitarianism) Early Questions About Western Objectives in Libya The CIA’s Man in Libya Libya Rape Charge: View With Caution How Qaddafi Played Ball With US Intel

These stories are never as simple and clear as they seem.

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