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The glory that is Rahm by David Atkins

The glory that is Rahm
by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

An amazing thing happened in Chicago today, as 130 Occupiers were arrested peacefully one-by-one as they lined up in order, begging to be next:

Anti-Wall Street demonstrators of the Occupy Chicago movement stood their ground in a downtown park in noisy but peaceful defiance of police orders to clear out, prompting 130 arrests early Sunday, authorities said.

Occupy Chicago spokesman Joshua Kaunert vowed after the arrests that protests would continue in the Midwest city.We’re not going anywhere. There are still plenty of us,” Kaunert told The Associated Press after the arrests, which took police more than an hour to complete.

Elsewhere in the nation, police reported 11 arrests overnight in the Occupy Cincinnati protests. Police said those arrested had stayed in that city’s Fountain Square after Sunday’s 3 a.m. closing time and each was charged with criminal trespass.

In Chicago, police began taking people into custody just before 1 a.m. Sunday. Those arrested were led in groups to vans and two large white buses as others clamored to be arrested.

“Take me next! Take me next!” some shouted as police began the arrests. Others chanted as they were led away: “We’ll be back!”

Rahm Emanuel is one of the key leaders of the anti-progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

When he was elected mayor of Chicago, I breathed a sigh of relief that at least his pernicious influence was gone from the White House. It’s too bad the fine citizens of Chicago have to put up with him now, but hopefully they’ll get rid of him next election as well.


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