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Silicon Valley Sunday School — who’s funding the fundies now?

Silicon Valley Sunday School

by digby

I realize that it’s very outre this season to concern our beautiful minds with what the right wing may be up to, but I still think it’s useful to keep an eye on them. This from Frederick Clarkson struck me as quite interesting:

It may turn out that a non-profit agency funded by conservative Christian Silicon Valley money men called United in Purpose may be the most important Religious Right agency in the 2012 election cycle.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Foundation sent an email to people who had registered to attend The Response, promoting a project of United in Purpose.

United in Purpose is using sophisticated data-mining techniques to compile a database of every unregistered born-again and evangelical Christian and conservative Catholic in the country.Through partnerships with Christian organizers and antiabortion groups, United in Purpose hopes to recruit 100,000 “champions” to identify unregistered Christians and get them to the polls as part of its Champion the Vote project. Profiles drawn from its database, which numbers more than 120 million people, will enable organizers to target potential voters with emails and Web videos tailored to their interests.

Slick, huh?

Who knew there were a bunch of Christian Silicon Valley millionaires? And why do I get the feeling they aren’t funding this because Jesus wants them to serve the poor?


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