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Haunt the House

Haunt the House

by digby

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This Halloween, there’s plenty to be scared of on Capitol Hill. The fate of $1.5 trillion rests in the hands of 12 members of the “Super Committee” tasked with slashing our national deficit. We’d like to think this Committee has our best interest in mind when they hover the axe, but the Committee’s been operating in the shadows where deep pocketed powerful special interests, creepy corporations and other things that go bump in the night are whispering in their ears. (Learn more here )

Will it be Medicare or environmental programs on the chopping block? Will taxes get hiked or revenues slashed? We don’t know. But as long as the Super Committee does their work in the shadows, the vampires and zombie lobbyists lurking there will be heard louder than the rest of us. It’s time to get the skeletons out of the closet and tell the Super Committee that transparency isn’t just for ghosts this year. Join us as we Haunt the House (and Senate). (More info below!)

Haunt the House (and the Senate) — and we want you to be there. We’ll be heading to Super Committee members’ offices all around the country to remind them who they work for. Head to to join your local Haunt.When: Monday, October 31st, 2011 at 9AM (local time)
Where: Your local Super Committee member’s office. (Find it here!) or check our our “Main Haunts

Afterwards stop by your local Occupation.


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