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Teabags and contraception

Teabags and contraception

by digby

I’m guessing we’re going to see some major Teabag Townhall action this summer. This event with Kathy Hochul is a preview:

The Democrat was not only booed last week for her position supporting the Obama administration’s contraception mandate, she was chastised for her statement that she didn’t consider the Constitution when forming her opinion.

That’s a pretty terrible argument. She should have turned it around and asked where it is in the constitution that says the employer’s religion and conscience has precedence over the employees’?

In any case, regardless of where the polls say people are on contraception, this phony “religious liberty” theme is going to fire up the wingnuts and the likelihood is that the Democrats in these swing districts are going to be put to the test. I wish I were more confident in their ability to handle it.


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