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Welfare sluts and the men who hate them

Welfare sluts and the men who hate them

by digby

Jezebel is featuring some of the letters they’ve been getting from right wing throwbacks defending their hero, Rush Limbaugh. Here’s one:

I’m a Board-Certified ER doc, and I totally agree with Rush. I’m sick of paying excessive taxes so these sluts can screw every horny loser who buys them a drink. If she’s too cheap to buy her own birth control, and doesn’t insist of her partner using a condom, and gets knocked-up, she shouldn’t expect others to pay for her medical bills. The federal govt. extorts money from us taxpayers, and PAYS her to have the little bastard. I say, if she can’t pay her bills, she should be arrested, and the baby be adopted. This country has NO accountability, and over 1/3 of Americans are living on money they don’t themselves earn. It must stop. Welfare whores need to pay their bills, like the rest of us. Maybe this opinion hits a little too close to your home…

I especially like the implication that the sluts are out there trolling for the opportunity to bed the poor horny losers who are forced to buy them a drink. (And if the silly twit gets herself pregnant why, she ought to be arrested.)

I don’t know how many men are out there letting their misogynist ids run wild over this, but I am a little bit surprised that anyone’s surprised by it. It’s not as if Limbaugh and his ilk haven’t been spewing this crap all over the airwaves for years. And it’s not just about birth control:

LIMBAUGH: You know, the feminazis forgot one thing. Well, one of the objectives of the feminazis over the last 20, 25 years has been to dominate the public education system so as to remove the competitive nature of boys. You know, there’s a crisis of young man-boy education in the schools. And they did this on purpose, to eliminate male competition in the work force. This is part of feminazi grand plan.

They forgot affirmative action for black guys. And because of that, every bit of their plan has gone up in smoke now, because they — if — they had to come out in favor of affirmative action for black guys, and that’s — see, this is one of the things that really irritates the women. And there are women all over this country fit to be tied — trust me on this. And it’s — one of the things is affirmative action is exactly — it’s, you know, liberals eventually are going to be devoured by their own policies. And it has happened here.

(That was a twofer. He called Obama an affirmative action candidate, of course.)

And then there was this:

LIMBAUGH: Mammograms are the convenant, the sacred covenant of feminazism

Women should die.

And this:

LIMBAUGH: And these American prisoners of war — have you people noticed who the torturers are? Women! The babes! The babes are meting out the torture…You know, if you look at — if you, really, if you look at these pictures, I mean, I don’t know if it’s just me, but it looks just like anything you’d see Madonna, or Britney Spears do on stage. Maybe I’m — yeah. And get an NEA grant for something like this. I mean, this is something that you can see on stage at Lincoln Center from an NEA grant, maybe on Sex in the City — the movie. I mean, I don’t — it’s just me.

If only it were just him. Maybe most people don’t recognize the psycho-sexual issues that lie at the base of all this (even when one reads hideous screeds like that one from the so-called ER doctor above)but those rants by Limbaugh make it pretty clear as do his more recent screeching about sluts and whores. This is who he is, who he’s always been.

More importantly perhaps, it’s a deep and primal thing that’s a lot harder to change than women realize. We rise up every now and then in shock and horror, but it always reverts back. And I’m sorry to say that it isn’t just reserved for conservative men and the women that give themselves to them. It happens in our own circles as well.

Jonathan Schwartz read the Limbaugh slut comments and had an important insight I wish more people would get to when these flare-ups happen:

I guess if I were a more sensitive man, I wouldn’t be so surprised by the ongoing right-wing male freakout about women. I just didn’t realize how deep and sincere their…emotions…are on this…

When I see things like this, my main concern isn’t that it will be harder to get contraception. It’s that a lot of powerful people are so weirdly angry that they’re going to obliterate human civilization. Here’s something that the writer John Ralston Saul said about this:

Hitler’s favorite writer [was Arthur Schopenhauer]…Schopenhauer’s attraction for Hitler may have been his overwhelming sense that evil was overwhelming the world and that the “root of all evil…is the slavery of the will.”…

Schopenhauer also detested women, which, in the Saint Jerome—”Women are bags of dung”—tradition, is a sentiment closely related to the uncontrollable feeling that evil is inundating us. It is a little simplistic but not untrue that men who hate women will take out their sexual problems on the world if given a chance.

It isn’t just about the women, guys. It’s about the species.

Oh, and in case you wanted validation of the concept, here’s one of his commenters:

Uhm, no. You might want to drop that smug air of liberal superiority and consider there might be some truth to the conservative objections to this silliness. This is just liberal craziness.

Since when did contraception become an “inalienable” right? I mean … talk about entitled women here.. expecting people to pay for their hedonism and promiscuity.

Women have the right to do what they want with their bodies.. even if feminism, rampant promiscuity by females and female hypergamy have been a disaster and detrimental for most men, and most likely aren’t stable in the long-term. But women shouldn’t be expected to be subsidized for that behavior by society, nor should they expect gushing approval and encouragement. Well, perhaps they can expect from the dutiful liberal manginas with their “This is what a feminist looks like” T shirt. These idiots are clinging to delusions about an arc of “progress” and clueless about the destabilizing forces that feminism, female hypergamy, the sexual revolution and hedonism have unleashed on Western society.

I’m sure that the vast majority of men have never thought anything like this all the way through, as that intellectual misogynist has. And many men are undoubtedly instinctively appalled (the “manginas” of the crowd — also known as enlightened human beings.) But there are far too many of them whose lizard brains are activated in exactly this way. And they are all over the world, not just in red states, driving trucks and listening to Rush. I’ve heard the same sort of casual misogyny that Rush speaks in executive elevators in Hollywood, in villages in Mexico and bars in Bangkok. Feminism is a threat to the social order of many magnitudes greater than many people want to admit.

Update: For another enlightened view from a man who doesn’t think with his lizard brain, try this from Jonathan Cohn.


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