Selective Indignation
by digby
From Kathleen Geier over at Political Animal, I see that the newspapers are getting all antsy over Doonesbury again:
From Romenesko’s description of the cartoons, it doesn’t appear that they’re sexually explicit. But politically, Gary Trudeau is not pulling any punches. To wit, here’s how one cartoon is described:
In the stirrups, she is telling a nurse that she doesn’t want a transvaginal exam. Doctor says “Sorry miss, you’re first trimester. The male Republicans who run Texas require that all abortion seekers be examined with a 10″ shaming wand.” She asks “Will it hurt?” Nurse says, “Well, it’s not comfortable, honey. But Texas feels you should have thought of that.” Doctor says, “By the authority invested in me by the GOP base, I thee rape.”
Lawd have mercy Miss Mellie, bring me the smellin’ salts.
Geier archly notes:
Spokespeople for the newspapers which are banning the strips say their reason is that the material is “over the line” and “inappropriate.”
I wonder when the day will come when these extraordinarily nasty examples of unadulteratedly racist and misogynist (not to mention witless) political cartoons are also considered “over the line” and “inappropriate.”
Yeah, me too.