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Hoodies and Hoods

Hoodies and Hoods

by digby

Some people just don’t don’t understand proper etiquette:

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) donned a hoodie and took to the House floor this morning to speak out against the murder of Travyon Martin, but was shouted down and removed from the floor by the Republican speaker pro tem for violating House rules prohibiting the wearing of hats.

As Rush spoke about the murder and racial profiling, he removed his suit jacket to reveal a grey hoodie, while saying, “just because someone wears a hoodie, [it] does not make them a hoodlum.” Rush flipped up the hood, put on a pair of sunglasses, and began reciting Bible verses, prompting Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS), acting as speaker, to bang his gavel and demand that Rush stop speaking. “The member is out of order,” Harper scolded. “The member is no longer recognized.”
“The chair will ask the Sargent of Arms to enforce the prohibition on decorum,” Harper said. “Members need to remove their hoods or leave the floor.”

Well that’s very true. It’s just plain impolite to wear your hood on the floor of the US Congress. After all, this fellow kindly removed his before he gave this speech:

And this gentleman politely left his in the cloakroom:

Why he even left it off while quoting the Grand Wizard of the KKK Nathan Bedford Forest at the podium:

Decorum is important. And if these fine Republicans aren’t allowed to wear their “hoodies” on the floor, then it’s only right that Bobby Rush shouldn’t be allowed to wear his. It’s important that the Congress of the United States remain dignified at all times.


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