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Friday night adorable animal post

Friday night adorable animal post

by digby

Some time ago Panchita was caught up in a net, which left deep cuts all over her body. She managed to make it to this hotel where animal advocates nursed her back to health for 3 months. Every day she returns to rest after being out to sea. She is now pregnant and expecting within a month.

I’m reminded of the summer there was a “red tide” problem in and around Santa Monica bay and a bunch of sea lions got sick and came on shore to rest. There were rescuers everywhere and many were rehabilitated.

Unfortunately, even though there were signs all over the place with instructions to leave the sea lions alone, people would pester them — and sometimes worse. And too often, foolish people with their hearts in the right place would do exactly the wrong thing by trying to push them into the water when they were just trying to rest on the shore.

The moral of the story is that when you see a sea lion on the beach, tell a lifeguard. They’re probably just taking a nap, but the lifeguards can call the marine rescue people to keep an eye on them. Stupid humans present their greatest natural danger in that situation.


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