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I gotcher Progressive candidates for ya rightcheah

I gotcher Progressive candidates for ya rightcheah

by digby
As I’m sure most of you already know from your stuffed email box, today is the end of the fundraising quarter. Blue America doesn’t usually do a big push for these deadlines because it tends to feed into the distorted notion that money is everything. But hell, at this point it’s hard to argue that it isn’t.
So, if you had planned to donate to any of our Blue America progressives, today’s a good day to do it. This is a year of redistricting and the deck is scrambled in a way it won’t be for another decade. The Tea Party bloom is off and their Presidential Robot candidate will have no coat tails. There are some real possibilities for progressives in this election.

I wrote the other day about how important it is to elect hardcore ideological progressives in deep blue districts so that we can have some long term, committed movement leadership. Howie talked about one of them today:

This week Glenn Greenwald made the case for 3 of the most spectacular candidates running for Congress, anywhere, Franke Wilmer (MT), Cecil Bothwell (NC) and Norman Solomon (CA). If you’re a DWT reader you already know all three and if you’ve been on the Blue America page this year, you’ve probably noticed that Blue America was the first national political action group to endorse each one of them and raise money for all three. Today, the last day of their fundraising quarter, would be a great day to contribute to 3 candidates who could make a substantial difference in the festering and dangerous cesspool that Washington, DC has become…

Let me concentrate on Norman today. Here are excerpts from two letters he sent northern California voters this week. The first was about the so-called “Patriot Act.”

In a letter to the U.S. attorney general two weeks ago, Democratic Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall declared: “We believe most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of how these secret court opinions have interpreted section 215 of the Patriot Act. As we see it, there is now a significant gap between what most Americans think the law allows and what the government secretly claims the law allows.”

I refuse to believe that Uncle Sam should be Big Brother.

…There’s a lot of talk about how members of Congress should learn to compromise. But I will not compromise when the Bill of Rights is at stake.

On the campaign trail, I continue to denounce the National Defense Authorization Act. Signed into law three months ago, it violates precious civil liberties such as habeas corpus, due process and the right to legal representation.

I know the difference between appropriate compromise and odious capitulation.

…Civil liberties are at the core of American society. I will stand up for them no matter who is president.

This is absolutely not the messaging the DCCC is using to pasteurize and homogenize Democratic candidates across the country. Civil liberties is not an issue in their universe. They want “their” candidates to talk about jobs and Medicare and the Ryan Budget– but not the way Norman does. This is what he sent voters in Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties Thursday.

For three days this week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments about the new healthcare law. Much of the legal and media debate focused on the merits of requiring Americans to obtain health insurance.

But healthcare is a human right. And as long as profit-driven insurance companies are at the center of healthcare, that right will remain unfulfilled– while the cost curve keeps bending upward, and while countless patients and their families suffer needlessly.

That’s why so many of us have marched, rallied, petitioned and lobbied for single-payer — also known as enhanced Medicare for all– the only healthcare solution.

For several years, I’ve co-chaired the national Healthcare Not Warfare campaign with Donna Smith of the California Nurses Association and Congressman John Conyers, the main sponsor of the single-payer bill H.R. 676.

One of the reasons U.S. Rep. Conyers has endorsed me in this race for Congress is that he knows the depth of my commitment to guaranteed, high-quality healthcare for all– and he wants to work with me in the House of Representatives to achieve that goal.

Easy to see why progressive leaders like Conyers, Raul Grijalva, Dolores Huerta and Phil Donahue are urging Californians to elect Norman– as are groups like DFA, SEIU, PDA and, of course, Blue America– nor why party bosses in Washington are very nervous about it.

And that brings us back to Greenwald’s post at Salon, in which he flatly states that Norman “is about as close to a perfect Congressional candidate as it gets.”

It’s true. if there’s one candidate who every faction in the progressive grassroots and netroots can agree upon it’s Norman. Watch this all the way to the end to see him in action:

Solomon is in as liberal a district as exists in this country. And contrary to popular belief, liberals are entitled to representation in the US Congress too.

Once again, here’s the Blue America page . You know what to do.


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