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Ms Overton’s right to choose

Ms Overton’s right to choose

by digby

This is an interesting strategy:

As states across the country are passing laws to restrict access to abortion, California lawmakers are considering a significant expansion of who would be able to perform the procedure in the state.

Under a bill that passed its first committee hearing Tuesday, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and physician assistants would be able to perform what is known as an “aspiration” abortion, which is the most common abortion procedure and takes place in the first trimester of a pregnancy.

The current form of the bill, SB1338 by Sen. Christine Kehoe, D-San Diego, would allow for only 41 people in the state, in addition to doctors, who have been through a pilot study on the issue to perform aspiration abortions, but backers say they expect that number to be significantly expanded as the proposal moves forward.

Also on Tuesday, an Assembly committee passed a separate bill that would expand access to birth control by allowing registered nurses to dispense the medication.

“These bills are stark contrasts to what is happening nationally and in too many states across the country,” said Kathy Kneer, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, which is backing both measures…

“I’m surprised that supporters of abortion would think this is a good move. They are lessening the medical requirements for someone who can do an abortion,” said Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee. “That does nothing to promote safety or to protect women’s health,”

Tobias said the bill, compared with what other states are doing, shows “California is out of step with the rest of the country.”

The last I heard all this was supposed to be left “up to the states” so I don’t think the zealots are in a position to complain.

And for all its “extremism” it’s really just expanding access to a guaranteed constitutional right. Studies have shown that these medical professionals are perfectly capable of dispensing birth control and performing early abortions. The more people who are qualified and licensed to dispense birth control and perform first trimester abortions, the less likely it is that the forced childbirth zealots are able to reduce their availablility. But that won’t stop thezealots from saying otherwise. After all, these are people who lie about everything in service to their “cause.”


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