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Royal Pains redux

Royal Pains Redux

by digby
I can’t make myself write about the White House Correspondents Dinner again this year. So, I’m just going to reprise my post from last year and leave it at that:

I must admit that I would rather watch this Royal Wedding on a loop for the next three days than spend even one minute watching the political press drool all over reality TV stars and B-list rockers at this pathetic “Nerd Prom” this week-end. Unless Colbert is officiating it is just depressing:

This weekend is the biggest socio-political event of the year in DC. Socializing and politics always go hand in hand here, but this weekend is different. The White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner Saturday night has morphed into a creature all its own, an amalgam of DC, NY and Hollywood elites that has come to dominate the calendar of the Federal City (as distinguished from the non-governmental and more down-to-earth Washington). I’m not sure there’s anything else that captures so completely the way the modern DC operates and conceives of itself as this weekend does. A glimpse of WHCA dinners past

Seriously, at least the Brits have the excuse of centuries of history and a long tradition of such pomp and circumstance. And the royals are merely expensive celebrities, they don’t have any real power, unlike some of the celebrity reporters and pundits who celebrate themselves at this rather sad yearly event.

Pick your poison:

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