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You are what you eat?

You are what you eat?

by digby

Rush Limbaugh thinks organic food turns people into jerks.

I’m fairly sure that Limbaugh doesn’t eat organic foods. So what’s his excuse?

He does say something important here, though to which people should pay attention. He says that everything can be categorized as liberal or conservative. I think that’s cracked, but I think it’s the essence of the culture war that the right has been waging for decades. To right wingers, everything can be identified as a political act.

I suppose liberals do that too to some extent, but I honestly don’t think something like what food you choose to eat is a sure-fire political identifier. If it is, all whole lot of bacon gobbling, krispy-kreme wolfing friends I thought were liberals are actually conservatives. And the organic farmer at the Farmer’s Market with the Romney sticker on his truck isn’t an entrepreneur, he’s a liberal activist. Who knew?

Sure, more vegetarians may be liberal than conservative, but I’ve met a surprising number of vegetarian right wingers over the years. I won’t mention well…. you know who. We’ll just get into a discussion of whether you-know-who was really a liberal and totally lose the thread.


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