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Government slowly committing suicide

Government slowly committing suicide

by digby

This ad from Karl Rove is pretty clever … and it’s a winner for the Republicans, even if they lose the presidential election, because it perpetuates the myth that spending and deficits caused the recession:

Unfortunately, since the Democrats refuse to counter this myth — even going so far as to brag about their own record of cutting spending in the midst of an historic downturn — it will go on in perpetuity. Everyone will continue to believe that deficits are the cause of all our woes and that the most important thing we can do in an economic catastrophe is curtail government spending. (Of course, we are also supposed to curtail spending in a boom because “it’s your money!”)

Many Americans will believe the story in that ad. And they’ll keep believing it until someone tells them otherwise, which means that the government is not getting small enough so that Grover Norquist can drown it in the bathtub. It’s drowning itself.


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